Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The slow paths...and the slow minds





These and many such similar words/expressions/nonsensical garbage will irritate you almost daily in your life. And the people who use them, even more. You see, today I am writing about the people, the airplane of whose minds takes more than one runway to take-off (and if you didn't still get what i am talking about, you are one of them).

You must have had similar experiences in your life. You told your friends about the funniest show you just saw on the telly...and it wasn't the groin kicking humor of The Three stooges or the useless and inane jokes on Friends. I am talking of a much subtler thing. All of you laugh. Topic finished.

And then, half an hour later, on the way back home, one of you totally succumbs to the charms of hysterical laughter...and they begin to laugh their and your pants off. What's so funny? Oh, they only now understood what you said at the time. Its cute for the first time, funny for the next, and boring...destructively boring further on.

Generally people never, due to respect for civility, human rights, legal reasons, animal rights, fear of Scientology or of the fictional "Big Brother", or of CIA agents nearby (or whatever nonsense you feel comes in this category), tell a person to their face how irritating their slowness can be. I mean, you just hatched your brilliant plan to surprise your mother at her birthday with all your family, and the slow cousin potters of to her and tells her about it.

"I didn't realise it was to be a secret from her that we've planned a surprise party for her."


I once remember my brother telling me about his slow boss. "He can't generally understand a word of what I am saying. It can be so frustrating to know something bad will happen in advance, but the Boss just can't understand it, and thus, work suffers."

So just a piece of request to you..use the gray matter a little bit. It wont so to keep your brains well preserved for future scientists to study about its undeveloped potentials. And it will be a big relief to many people. Who knows,then I may even get the Nobel Peace Prize for writing this......

(I realise I have been rather mean in this post. So this is for all those stooge followers out there..don't kick me in the groin to extract your will be damn painful. Also, I have the fullest respect for all human, animal rights activists, am a law abiding citizen. And i am a firm believer in the freedom and power of science fiction, just in case the scientologists decide to come after me), and am not involved with any military, paramilitary, militant or terrorist group throughout the world, and so have nothing against Orwell, 1942, Big Brother or the CIA, Interpol or any such organization. Forgive me)